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Jakarta Post

What to look for in a high school to prepare your teen for University

High school is an important phase in every student’s academic journey, and for parents, it's a crucial time to make decisions that can significantly shape your teenager’s future. This is why the school you choose can play an instrumental role in preparing them for what lies ahead.

2 days ago
Academia premium

Tobacco control: Logic is marginalized, scientific evidence is futile

In managing the country's tobacco industry, all rational considerations are crushed by economic-industrial dictums with populist mantras such as job creation and tax and excise contributions, to contributions to the state budget. ...

2 days ago

Inclusive elderly care: Creating pathways for a better future

Elderly care should be a community-wide duty. When family resources are limited, community support can make a significant difference. ...

2 days ago

The Latest

Academia premium

Enforcing childcare as a primary necessity

Economically disadvantaged women who are unable to bear expensive childcare are forced to opt out of the labor market in order to fulfill their household obligations.

2 days ago
Academia premium

The economy in 2024: Growth on weakening fundamentals

China’s economic growth will slow down to 4.6 percent in 2024, and then to 4.2 percent in 2025, meaning China can no longer be expected to be the main driver of Indonesia’s export growth.

2 days ago

Why Indonesia should care about sustainable aviation fuel

Without any intervention, the aviation industry is estimated to triple CO2 emissions by 2060 compared to pre-pandemic levels.

3 days ago
Academia premium

Anticipating Prabowo’s foreign economic policy

Indonesia will always require international trade diversification, both in partners and products, to reduce the risk of economic vulnerability and supply chain disruption due to global uncertainties.

3 days ago
Academia premium

Women deserve the care they need during critical life stages

Despite its profound impact, menopause is surprisingly neglected in medical education here and abroad.

3 days ago
Academia premium

Shrinking space for land and environmental defenders

The potential expansion of broadcasting regulations to the digital world could further restrict content while the ITE Law provides a legal framework for those seeking to silence critical voices.

3 days ago
Academia premium

Implementing payment liability shift in real time payments

Fraudsters and scammers tend to use real-time payment for their operations since it is done immediately and irreversibly.

4 days ago
Academia premium

A shot in the arm for global health security

By developing health-related bonds or investment projects, the Pandemic Fund can attract private capital and ensure a steady flow of resources.

4 days ago
Academia premium

‘Not in my name’: Jews against the Gaza war

In Indonesia, which as a Muslim-majority nation naturally stands strongly in support of Palestinian rights and freedoms, there is a tendency to conflate Jewish people and Israelis with the Israeli government.

4 days ago

Analysis: Law revision deemed putting leash on Constitutional Court

The fourth amendment to the 2003 Constitutional Court Law is about to be added to the growing list of bills that, despite much public backlash, are to be passed into law under the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. The proposed amendments will likely chip away at the judiciary’s independence and thus leave it vulnerable to political influences.

4 days ago
Academia premium

Reality check: Real generative AI game changers

Without responsible AI and AI governance, organizations won’t be able to adopt AI at scale.

5 days ago
Academia premium

A new vision for medical education: First, do good for humanity

A paradigm shift in medical education is necessary to prepare future health professionals for the post-pandemic reality, one that incorporates a holistic, cross-learning approach.

5 days ago
Academia premium

Ocean biodiversity: The writing's on the wall and we need to act fast

As an archipelagic state, Indonesia needs to take a direct lead in protecting marine areas in the high seas by ratifying the United Nation’s BBNJ Agreement and incorporating its management as part of its Vision 2045.

5 days ago

AI can help Indonesia realize its SGDs

Deployed across an entire region, AI-enabled wearables provide healthcare policymakers with almost real-time information about the health status of the region.

5 days ago
Academia premium

Indonesia’s unnecessary bid for nickel cartel crumbles

In the geopolitical context, Chinese dominance over Indonesia’s nickel mining and processing facilities has raised eyebrows among Western countries, particularly the US and its allies.

6 days ago

Good water governance leads us to global prosperity

Excessive exploitation of water resources may improve prosperity and fair accessibility for some people, but it violates the principle of sustainability.

6 days ago
Academia premium

Gridlocked dreams: Can Jakarta chart a course toward sustainable mobility?

Traffic congestion and air pollution plaguing Jakarta and other cities directly clash with the pursuit of a flourishing and sustainable tomorrow.

6 days ago

How the Army contributes to addressing water scarcity

Through the innovative use of hydram pump technology and extensive collaboration, the Army continues to combat water scarcity in Indonesia.

1 week ago
Academia premium

Democracy's flow through the world and the People's Water Forum

Merging the WWF and the PWF into a single entity would encompass the breadth of water governance and set a precedence for a democratic process that respects and incorporates diverse perspectives, especially grassroots movements and underrepresented communities.

1 week ago
Academia premium

Cross-strait relations: The status quo is the best policy

Seeing China's response to the assertive inauguration speech of Taiwan's new president, maintaining the status quo seems the best option, at least for now.

1 week ago
Academia premium

Embracing humanity: A call to rethink refugee policies in Indonesia

Refugees do not choose to leave their homes; they are compelled to flee persecution, violence and conflict, often rooted in religious or ideological tensions.

1 week ago
Academia premium

ASEAN needs political will to address forced migration

ASEAN is often seen as hesitant to tackle sensitive issues like refugees and forced migration, particularly given Myanmar’s membership in the 10-country bloc.

1 week ago

Analysis: House to pass key draft laws as succession looms

The House of Representatives plans to accelerate the law-making process of several controversial bills during the lame-duck period before its term ends on Oct. 1. The politicians are intent on revising specifically the Broadcasting Law, the Constitutional Court Law, State Ministries Law and Indonesian Military (TNI) Law that would help them consolidate their power, unfortunately at the expense of democracy, before the Oct. 20 succession of administration.

6 days ago
Academia premium

Prudent growth a must for digital banks to avoid systemic risks

The alarming fact is that 59 percent of NPLs come from debtors under 34 years old, with a nearly fourfold annual increase in NPLs from individuals under 19 years old.

1 week ago
Academia premium

Carbon capture and storage needs a serious reality check

There have been numerous CCS projects initiated worldwide, yet after more than five decades, studies suggest that these ventures are more prone to failure than success.

1 week ago

Propelling Indonesia's ambitious drive toward EV future

Armed with the world's largest reserves of key EV minerals and an array of incentive programs, Indonesia is well-equipped to replicate China’s success story of transportation electrification.

1 week ago
Academia premium

Transforming water infrastructure strategies in Indonesia

While the government has allocated significant resources in the state budget, additional funding sources are needed to achieve long-term water security.

1 week ago

Today's ePost

Fri, May 31, 2024

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