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Jakarta Post
Election Updates

2024 presidential election turnout high but stagnant: KPU

In one of the world’s biggest national elections to be held this year thus far, 81.78 percent of the 204.8 million registered voters cast their ballot in February.

15 hours ago
Regional Elections

Khofifah-Emil looks set to secure reelection ticket in East Java

Former East Java governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa and her former deputy Emil Dardak look set to secure a ticket for another run in the upcoming gubernatorial election in the province following endorsement from four political parties behind the victory of president-elect Prabowo Subianto. ...

17 hours ago
Regional Elections

Kaesang eligible to run in November, Gerindra deputy says

The nod from the senior Gerindra politician hints at Kaesang potentially making a bid in the November elections, though he has no formal party endorsement at present. ...

19 hours ago

The Latest

Regional Elections

Three top justices reported to judicial body over candidacy age ruling

A group of lawyers from Gradasi has reported three Supreme Court justices to the Judicial Commission for alleged ethics violations over their decision to change the age of candidacy for the gubernatorial elections, which is stipulated in a KPU regulation.

1 day ago
Regional Elections premium

Court ruling has nothing to do with Kaesang, PSI says

Despite the party’s dismissiveness, controversy has stained another court ruling over the age of candidacy for November’s gubernatorial race, this time in apparent favor of Jokowi’s youngest son.

2 days ago
Regional Elections premium

Dismay as top court revises regional election rules

The court swiftly approved a petition calling for the 30-year age limit to be revised, at a time when political parties are testing the waters on who to field as November election candidates.

6 days ago
Regional Elections premium

Gerindra mulls pairing Prabowo's nephew with Kaesang for Jakarta race

The Gerindra Party has been teasing the idea of pairing the nephew of party chairman and president-elect Prabowo Subianto, Budisatrio Djiwandono, with the youngest son of outgoing President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, Kaesang Pangarep, for the upcoming Jakarta regional election.

6 days ago
Regional Elections

NasDem open to pairing Prabowo's nephew with Raffi in Jakarta election

NasDem election campaign operation head Prananda Paloh, the son of party chairman Surya Paloh, said that the party leadership is now weighing its options on who to back in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, including the Budi Satrio-Raffi ticket.

1 week ago
Legislative Race premium

PPP’s hope of retaining House seats dim as court rejects challenges

The Islamic-based United Development Party (PPP) only won 3.9 percent of the national vote according to the final tabulation by the General Elections Commission (KPU), slightly short of the 4 percent threshold to qualify for seats at the House of Representatives. 

2 weeks ago
Election Updates premium

Ex-Bogor mayor Bima Arya to run for West Java governor

West Java is the country’s largest province by population, and was home to 35.7 million registered voters in the 2024 general election, or 17.4 percent of all voters nationwide.

4 weeks ago
Legislative Race premium

Court kicks off hearings for legislative election disputes

The court will hear and decide on nearly 300 election dispute petitions filed by political parties and candidates alike, before delivering the final ruling for each case by June 10.

1 month ago
Legislative Race premium

Political dynasticism rampant in newly elected House lawmakers

According to a recent study by CSIS, 138 of 580 elected lawmakers during the 2024 election have influential political ties, a phenomenon that might create an unlevel playing field for contenders fighting for seats in legislative bodies. 

1 month ago
Legislative Race premium

House of old men: 2024 election sees lowest number of young lawmakers ​​​​​​​

Dynastic politics and incumbents are blamed as two key reasons young politicians have struggled to gain seats in the House of Representatives, according to a recent study by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). 

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

Prabowo calls for unity after court victory

President-elect Prabowo Subianto extended an olive branch to his election rivals on Wednesday, declaring “the contest [...] over” and appealing for unity and close collaboration among the nation’s political elite in a speech marking the end of all presidential election disputes.

1 month ago
Election Updates premium

Lawmakers demand Elections Law amendment after court ruling

The Constitutional Court acknowledged potential violations that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his aides had committed, saying that the President should have thought and acted in a neutral manner during the campaign season.  

1 month ago
Presidential Race

Election body formally declares Prabowo next president

Defense Minister Prabowo, 72, is due to take the reins in October from outgoing leader Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, after a transition period following his third attempt at the top office.

1 month ago
Presidential Race

KPU formally declares Prabowo next president

The 72-year-old defense minister is due to take the reins in October from outgoing leader Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, after a transition period following his third attempt at the top office.

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

President calls on nation to bury electoral hatchet

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has asked the nation to move on from grievances over the results and circumstances of the 2024 general election and to unite ahead of the start of Prabowo Subianto’s presidency later this year, after the Constitutional Court found no merit in allegations of state interference and nepotism in the 2024 poll.

1 month ago
Election Updates

PDI-P confirms Jokowi no longer a member after backing Prabowo

Their exit will put the spotlight on the next moves for the popular Jokowi, who has moved to retain political influence and preserve his legacy after a decade at the helm.

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

Court rulings seal Prabowo win

The court, in back-to-back hearings, ruled that there was no evidence that fraud or state intervention had swayed the results of one of the world’s biggest elections this year.

1 month ago
Election Updates premium

Bawaslu vows to monitor Bansos distribution in regional elections

Allegations of misuse of the state apparatus and resources had been at the center of a presidential election dispute case at the Constitutional Court. 

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

Public hopes swell ahead of election dispute ruling

The Constitutional Court will rule Monday on whether to uphold president-elect Prabowo Subianto’s landslide February election victory, following two weeks of courtroom drama and public appeals in response to a spate of ethics scandals that have soiled the democratic process.

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

2024 election dispute in final phase as court accepts parties’ conclusions

On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court accepted concluding notes from all related parties in the 2024 presidential election dispute as well as at least 10 amici curiae briefs from parties not related to the case, allowing justices to start a series of closed-door meetings ahead of the ruling on April 22.

1 month ago
Election Updates premium

Jokowi’s son-in-law faces stiff opposition in regional race

Bobby Nasution had been tapped to be among the leading candidates to run for governor on the ticket of the Golkar Party, with which he has been closely linked after splitting with the PDI-P last year.

1 month ago
Presidential Race premium

Ministers rally round Jokowi in Constitutional Court

Four ministers of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's administration defended the social aid distribution during the campaign season of the 2024 presidential election, claiming that the aid, which was planned accordingly and approved by the legislature, would not be enough to sway a large number of voters.

2 months ago
Politics premium

House recess suggests election inquiry plan dead on arrival

Plans to pursue a legislative inquiry into alleged irregularities in the February presidential election have failed to gain momentum as the House of Representatives went into recess on Thursday, without a single political party aligned with losing candidates bringing their proposal to the floor.

2 months ago
Presidential Race premium

KPU, Prabowo camp call on court to reject election suits

A lawyer representing the General Elections Commission (KPU) called the petition filed by contesting candidates Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo "misdirected" and supported only by unfounded claims.

2 months ago
Presidential Race premium

Gibran’s candidacy in focus at court

The Constitutional Court began hearing disputes related to the February presidential election on Wednesday, with former candidates Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo alleging widespread state interference and nepotism and calling for a revote under modified circumstances.

2 months ago
Presidential Race

Losing candidate Anies tells court election was fraught with interference

The legal team of losing presidential candidate Anies Baswedan on Wednesday requested the Constitutional Court order an election re-run and disqualify president-elect Prabowo Subianto, alleging state interference to sway the outcome in his favor.

2 months ago
Presidential Race premium

Prabowo, Gibran kick off talks on new cabinet

Ongoing election disputes haven’t stopped Prabowo and Gibran from discussing who gets to join their government later this year, should the Feb. 14 election results stand.

2 months ago

Today's ePost

Thu, June 6, 2024

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