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Jakarta Post

Dian Nitami loves local cats

DIAN NITAMI (JP) BALIKPAPAN: Imported cats might be popular among pet owners but actress Dian Nitami confessed to her true love of local cats during the Balikpapan Cat Festival in East Kalimantan on Sunday

The Jakarta Post
Tue, June 10, 2008

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Dian Nitami loves local cats


BALIKPAPAN: Imported cats might be popular among pet owners but actress Dian Nitami confessed to her true love of local cats during the Balikpapan Cat Festival in East Kalimantan on Sunday.

The wife of actor Anjasmara believes that local cats can compete with imported ones. During the show, she chose Ranger, a local cat, as the winner.

"I was really impressed... All the contestants are incredible. The cats are beautiful, clean and healthy," the 37-year-old actress said.

Dian, who has several cats in her home in Jakarta, said the event could teach children to love animals from an early age.

"This is a good start for children. Parents should teach their children to love and care for animals," the mother of four said.

Dian, who has performed in dozens of sinetron TV series, said she believed that teaching children to love animals could help them grow up into responsible adults. --JP/Nurni Sulaiman

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