What is there in an office? Well, there is work, of course, and then there is you, along with other people called colleagues. So, who says that the office is just a place of work? With all those people around you, it is also a social scene. Life is happening there.
Business, by definition, is about and run by people. With so many hours spent working in the office, having a pleasant social life and strong work relationship with our colleagues makes a lot of sense. Not only can it make the job more enjoyable, it is also an essential part of working smart.
If the idea of socializing with colleagues makes you cringe, here are some simple hacks to have a life at the office.
Let’s eat together!
Sharing meals with others is one of the most basic social experiences. People connect over food since it is something we all commonly have in our nature. This is exactly why we find it easy to talk over a meal and there are always reasons to get together with colleagues for food such as lunches, coffee breaks and happy hours. Also, the good thing about sharing meals is that there is room for everyone. The extroverts can go sitting with the big lunch group in the cafeteria while the introverts may prefer smaller coffee break gatherings.
Stepping away from work to take a break and having meals together also has other benefits. It allows us to reset our mind and bodies, helping us feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever tasks remain for the day. Working through lunch can leave us feeling tired and burnt out, especially if this happens frequently.
You collect LEGO, too?
Not to suggest bringing LEGO blocks to the office to play but finding people with similar interests can create that sense of belonging and connectedness that improves happiness in the office. With roughly 40 hours a week spent in the office, the feeling that we are part of a community enhances our well-being.
Communities may exist or be created from shared hobbies, life experiences or a common cause. Think of it as a conduit for self-expression and development. Without a break from routines, life in the office could be boring or even exhausting.
I am feeling down today…
Admittedly, colleagues are not family in the truest sense, but we can still count on their friendship to support us on tough days, especially when we are facing work-related issues. Because who would understand it better than those who are involved in our work environment, right? And when we share our challenges, it also reminds us that others might have gone through similar experiences.
Building a support network in the office is important because not only will we have support for work projects, but also on occasion in our personal life. Even problems that are more personal in nature, such as childcare or aging parents, can impact our ability to do our best work. Having supportive colleagues can help make things more bearable. Just remember, it works both ways. When you receive support from your colleagues, you will also need to be there for them when they are not feeling their best.
Work-life balance
The office is not only supposed to be a place of work, it is also a place where social relationships happen. Despite our professional dedication, it is not healthy to work every single hour during our working days. We all need to have a work-life balance, even when we are in the office.
So go ahead, get a life at the office!
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