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Jakarta Post

Opposition grows to broadcasting bill that threatens press freedom

Radhiyya Indra (The Jakarta Post)
Mon, May 13, 2024

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Opposition grows to broadcasting bill that threatens press freedom The bill was proposed in 2020 by lawmakers on House of Representatives Commission I overseeing communications and information, defense, intelligence and foreign affairs, and the draft was finalized in October of last year but was largely kept out of the public eye. (Shutterstock/AlexLMX)
Versi Bahasa Indonesia


ournalist organizations and members of the public have come out against a broadcasting bill they say would stifle the freedom of the press through vague and problematic provisions, including one they fear could curb investigative journalism on screen.

The bill was proposed in 2020 by lawmakers on House of Representatives Commission I overseeing communications and information, defense, intelligence and foreign affairs, and the draft was finalized in October of last year but was largely kept out of the public eye.

The bill resurfaced after it came under discussion at the House Legislation Body (Baleg) earlier this year. The draft was slightly changed on March 27.

The bill aims to revise the 2002 Broadcasting Law, which has faced a long series of challenges as novel media platforms have emerged.

But the bill’s latest draft has come under widespread criticism for including articles that could threaten press freedoms, particularly Article 50B paragraph 2 (c), which prohibits the exclusive broadcasting of investigative journalism content.

The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) deemed the provision too vague and “confusing”.

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“This clearly implies efforts to restrict investigative journalism work from being broadcast on [media platforms]. It’s a very real attempt to curb the press,” AJI secretary-general Bayu Wardhana told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

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