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Jakarta Post

Vietnam tops world server attack rankings

Vietnam has the highest number of website server attacks in the world (394), leaving Russia (34 servers attacked) and India (19) far behind

The Jakarta Post
Sat, August 17, 2013

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Vietnam tops world server attack rankings


ietnam has the highest number of website server attacks in the world (394), leaving Russia (34 servers attacked) and India (19) far behind.

This was according to Nguyen Anh Tuan, a representative from the southern branch of the Viet Nam Information Security Association.

He was speaking at a conference on internet security and applying information technology to agriculture in the southern province of Soc Trang last Saturday.

He said that cyber criminals had focused this year on bank cards, electronic commerce and online payments, and transnational money laundering.

Scam websites had been developed in diverse operations. Fake websites with the same front pages of the products and service websites of enterprises defrauded customers by sending a notice of awards and asking them to pay a fee for receiving the awards.

Or when customers did online transactions, hackers put malware on their bank accounts to steal identification codes and information. Then the hackers implemented fake online transactions to take money from the accounts.

Tuan said cyber criminals were now exploiting security gaps in cloud computing applications to attack users, focusing on mobile phones.

There were three types of risks on mobile phones:

- malware (accessing documents on mobile phones including information on users' credit cards and Facebook passwords);

- personal spyware (collecting personal information such as messages, emails and contacts);

- greyware (used by companies to collect information from users for advertising).

Malware on mobile phones also created automatically paid calls and paid text messages and sent spam messages.

Soon, mobile phone users would face new risks such as advertising click fraud (clicking automatically on links of paid advertisements) and in-app billing fraud (automatically buying applications at online shops).

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