Gym members participate in a Zumba session at Bodyfit Jakarta on Oct. 17. The Jakarta administration has allowed fitness centers and indoor sports facilities to reopen at 25 percent capacity throughout the transitional PSBB, which started Oct. 12. JP/Seto Wardhana
Residents walk around Banteng Park in Jakarta on Oct. 18. The Jakarta administration has reopened green public spaces in the city during the transitional large-scale social restrictions. JP/Wendra Ajistyatama
Gravediggers at the Pondok Ranggon public cemetery in East Jakarta carry a coffin using a cart on Oct. 19. The COVID-19 cemetery is predicted to run out of burial space by the end of the month. JP/P.J.Leo
Workers and students participate in a protest against the recently passed Job Creation Law in Jakarta on Oct. 20, coinciding with the first anniversary of Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin’s term as President and Vice President respectively. JP/Seto Wardhana
A medical worker at a community health center in Tapos, Depok, West Java, conducts a COVID-19 vaccination simulation on Oct. 21. Depok is expected to be among the regions with the earliest access to the vaccine due to its high levels of COVID-19 transmission. JP/P.J. Leo
Workers from the Jakarta Emergency Ambulance Service (AGD) stage a protest in front of City Hall on Oct. 22. They demanded that Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan withdraw second warning letters given to at least 80 members of the Association of Workers of Emergency Ambulance Service (PPAGD), claiming the rationale behind the warnings was baseless. JP/Seto Wardhana
Minan, a brick maker from South Cikarang district in Bekasi, West Java, arranges bricks to be baked in a furnace on Oct. 23. JP/P.J.Leo
The number of daily COVID-19 cases in Indonesia continues to regularly surpass 4,000, but many people are becoming less concerned with the pandemic. The Jakarta administration recently eased the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and reopened public spaces, although with several restrictions.
Meanwhile, the capital has been engulfed in political turmoil after passing the controversial omnibus bill on job creation, leading to mass demonstrations and concerns over the emergence of new coronavirus clusters.
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