Cyclists pass through Kota Tua, West Jakarta, on Dec. 20. The city administration has limited the number of motorized vehicles that are permitted in the heritage tourist site during a low-emission zone trial from Dec. 18 to Dec. 23. JP/Wendra Ajistyatama
Visitors look at a performance by divers in Santa Claus costumes at the Jakarta Aquarium and Safari, at Neo Soho Mall, in Grogol, West Jakarta on Dec. 22, 2020. Thousands of aquatic and terrestrial animals are on display at the tourist spot, which is open to the public under tight enforcement of health protocol. JP/Seto Wardhana
Visitors view Christmas tree decoration at the Taman Anggrek Shopping Mall in West Jakarta on Dec. 22. Several malls across the capital put up Christmas-themed decoration ahead of the holiday season. JP/Dhoni Setiawan
The new social affairs minister, Tri “Risma” Rismaharini, gives her speech during the official handover ceremony at the ministry’s office in Jakarta on Dec. 23. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo appointed the Surabaya mayor as a replacement for Juliari Batubara, who was detained for his alleged role in a bribery case pertaining to the COVID-19 social aid packages. JP/Dhoni Setiawan
A medical worker sprays a disinfectant solution on bags carried by asymptomatic COVID-19 patients who just arrived at the isolation center at the Graha Wisata Ragunan in South Jakarta on Dec. 23. The patients will stay at the center for 14 days. JP/P.J. Leo
A medical worker takes a swab sample from a patient at the Pasar Minggu community health center (Puskesmas) in South Jakarta on Dec. 23. Authorities urged residents to check their health condition and adhere to strict health protocol by, among other measures, wearing masks and washing their hands regularly. JP/P.J. Leo
Thutty Soekotjo, 92, watches an online Holy Mass in South Tangerang, Banten, on Dec. 24. Most Christians attended online masses as churches implemented strict health protocol, including restricting the age and limiting numbers of congregants, to curb COVID-19 transmission during Christmas. JP/Seto Wardhana
Christians attend a Christmas Eve’s service at Immanuel Church in Jakarta on Dec. 24. The church only allowed 50 congregation members to attend the service and required them to adhere to the strict health protocol. JP/Dhoni Setiawan
While many had hoped the COVID-19 pandemic would be over by Christmas, this was unfortunately not the case. This forced the government to limit Christmas celebrations, turning this year’s holiday into something like never before.
Churches were forced to adapt by holding online masses and services. Millions canceled their plans to visit relatives for the holidays. But some churchgoers were lucky enough to attend services or visit their loved ones directly -- of course, by adhering to strict health protocol by, among other measures, keeping physical distances and wearing face masks.
Meanwhile, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo finally fulfilled his promise to reshuffle his Cabinet by replacing some of his ministers whom many saw making little-to-none progress in addressing the hard times. Experts believe the latest Cabinet reshuffle, which was announced three days before Christmas, might give the government the fresh start it needs in its battle against the pandemic as the country gears up for a mass COVID-19 vaccination drive next year. (kuk)
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