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With just over a week left before the 2024 simultaneous elections, the government has shown its comm...
On the heels of World Disability Day this month, communities and organizations advocating for people...
Recognizing, respecting and implementing the rights of persons with disabilities at all levels is no...
I have witnessed how physically fit people are often disrespectful of people in wheelchairs who are ...
The vaccination campaign is still being hampered by administrative problems, civil groups have said,...
What was supposed to open a chapter toward better disability equality in the country has been marred...
While the government has been pushing to ease vaccine access for vulnerable groups, geography and ph...
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has renewed his support for people with disabilities, hopin...
In some cases, authorities don't have the required competencies to be able to guide people with ...
“Without proper record-keeping, how can we ever determine whether the social aid meets the nee...