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Meaningful, inclusive and sustained dialogue would solidify ASEAN’s human rights commitme...
The tradition, known as abekalan, has been practiced for generations in the predominantly ...
As the fourth-biggest contributor to child marriages globally, Indonesia must achieve a seven-fold r...
Gender disparities in nutrition for women and girls of reproductive age are still a serious pro...
Child marriage is a key cause of teenage pregnancy, with its concomitant higher risks of pregnancy a...
It is heartening to witness homegrown talents utilizing their art to start a public conversatio...
The danger of bias is that the hatred it causes infects not just one person but can instead influenc...
The Supreme Court revealed that its religious courts nationwide had granted 64,211 child marria...
Statistics Indonesia’s National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) from 2018 to 2020 reported an u...
Women and girls have been the first to lose out on jobs or schooling, taking on more unpaid care wor...