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Jakarta Post

Jokowi marches on with ‘blusukan’ as presidency nears end

Observers view Jokowi's recent series of visits to inaugurate projects across the country in the final months of his presidency as part of his efforts to maintain his popularity after stepping down from office in October.

Yerica Lai (The Jakarta Post)
Fri, May 17, 2024

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Jokowi marches on with ‘blusukan’ as presidency nears end President Joko “Jokowi“ Widodo takes a selfie after inaugurating Ameroro Dam in Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi on May 14, 2024. The dam is one of the national strategic projects aimed at preventing a water crisis and flooding in the region. (Antara/Hafidz Mubarak A)


rom inaugurating infrastructure projects to cycling with Jakartans, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo appears to be spending the last months of his term on trips to many corners of the country, a move experts see as the outgoing leader’s efforts to maintain popularity after he leaves office in October.

This week, the President inaugurated a new water facility, the Ameroro Dam, in Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, the country’s 40th national strategic dam built during his administration in a bid to prevent a water crisis emerging in the country.

Aside from inaugurating the dam, Jokowi also performed a ribbon-cutting ceremony for 22 new road sections across West Muna regency in the same province to boost mobility in the region.

Other than officially opening infrastructure projects, Jokowi also resumed his famous blusukan (unannounced visits) to personally check on places such as government offices, traditional markets and areas affected by disasters.

Wearing a white, rolled up-sleeve T-shirt and a pair of sneakers, Jokowi went to a local mall in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), earlier this month, where he was welcomed with rousing cheers from surprised shoppers. During his visit to the mall, the President took time to chat with diners in a restaurant.

Last Sunday, the outgoing president was seen cycling from the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta to the bustling Car Free Day (CFD) event along Jl. MH Thamrin and Jl. Jendral Sudirman, where hundreds of people cheered for him and asked for photos.

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The May 12 CFD was the second in a row that the President visited, as he also visited the previous week to cycle around and greet attendees.

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