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Jakarta Post

Graft defendants get leniency

Antigraft watchdog the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said in its annual report that the majority of defendants in graft cases received lenient prison terms in 2013

The Jakarta Post
Mon, January 13, 2014

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Graft defendants get leniency


ntigraft watchdog the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said in its annual report that the majority of defendants in graft cases received lenient prison terms in 2013.

'€œThe average prison term handed down to corruptors in 2013 was 35 months or 2 years and 11 months,'€ ICW researcher Lalola '€œLola'€ Easter told reporters on Sunday.

The ICW divided the sentences into three categories: zero to four years, four to ten years and more than ten years which are considered lenient, moderate and heavy respectively.

Lola said the ICW recorded that 279 graft defendants from 184 cases were sentenced in 2013, of which 232 defendants or 78.64 percent got lenient sentences, 40 defendants or 13 percent received moderate terms and only seven defendants were sentenced to more than 10 years.

The ICW said the 184 cases had resulted in Rp 3.46 trillion (US$28.3 million) in state losses, while total bribes paid amounted to Rp 13.18 billion. Meanwhile, the state only received Rp 36.95 billion and Rp 515.5 billion in fines and confiscated assets from the cases.



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