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Jakarta Post

JAWA may expand rubber exports to S. Korea

Publicly listed plantation firm PT Jaya Agra Wattie (JAWA) is targeting a new contract for exports to South Korea, despite a downward trend in rubber prices since the beginning of this year that has disrupted rubber producers’ sales

The Jakarta Post
Wed, May 28, 2014

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JAWA may expand rubber exports to S. Korea


ublicly listed plantation firm PT Jaya Agra Wattie (JAWA) is targeting a new contract for exports to South Korea, despite a downward trend in rubber prices since the beginning of this year that has disrupted rubber producers'€™ sales.

JAWA finance director Bambang S. Ibrahim told that PT Haein Resources Co. Ltd., a Seoul-based company that engages in construction and agricultural equipment businesses, has expressed an interest in importing natural rubber from JAWA.

'€œ[Haein] is interested because [the quality of JAWA'€™s rubber] is good. But at the moment, [JAWA and Haein] have not yet signed a contract,'€ he said.

Bambang added that JAWA was not certain about when it would start exporting rubber to the South Korean company, although it was aiming to start the exports this year. '€œI estimate that JAWA'€™s exports to South Korea could reach up to 10 percent of JAWA'€™s total export production each year,'€ he said.

JAWA produced 13,257 tons of rubber last year, up 28 percent from the previous year. The domestic market absorbs 77 percent of JAWA'€™s rubber output, leaving about 3,048 tons for overseas destinations. JAWA exports rubber to China, India, Japan, Slovenia and the United States.


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