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Jakarta Post

Universitas Terbuka concludes 2023 quality review by ICDE with exceptional results

On Monday, professor Ojat Darojat, the headmaster of Universitas Terbuka (UT), officially concluded the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Quality Review 2023 event

Inforial (The Jakarta Post)
Tue, July 25, 2023

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Universitas Terbuka concludes 2023 quality review by ICDE with exceptional results


n Monday, professor Ojat Darojat, the headmaster of Universitas Terbuka (UT), officially concluded the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Quality Review 2023 event. Attended by the vice headmaster, chair of the academic senate, chair and secretary of the board of trustees, deans and directors of study programs, head of the research and community service institute, directors of UT regional centers, deputy deans and deputy directors, the event served as a comprehensive assessment of UT as an educational institution.

The event started with a presentation of UT’s final assessment and recommendations by the chair of the ICDE review team, Professor Ebba Ossiannilson.

She stated that she had been following the development of UT since 2016 and that she was impressed with what it had achieved through its continuous efforts to provide quality education services to all stakeholders.

UT had involved all stakeholders, she added, which included their staff, faculty, tutors, alumni and students, in processes that were linked to quality, making it an exemplary institution through how it engaged its entire academic community in realizing quality.

Since its establishment in 1984, UT has tackled the challenge of providing education for students who reside in remote areas, but over the years it has also faced the challenge of transformation, continuously evolving to meet the needs of the future, making the educational institution into the best version of itself for the people of Indonesia.

Another member of the ICDE review team, Professor Li, mentioned that based on the group’s interviews with UT students and alumni, the general consensus of their experience was positive, especially within their respective study programs. Professor Li also observed that all of the UT staff members were disciplined in their effort to meet international quality standards for educational institutions.

Furthermore, Professor Ebba highlighted that UT’s operations within the ecosystem of online education aligned very well with the ICDE’s framework. In open online learning, there are ten dimensions to measure the quality of the education presented: management, leadership, technology, quality, content, pedagogy, recognition, collaboration, research and access. All ten dimensions are interconnected, influencing and supporting each other.

Based on the Self-Evaluation Report submitted by UT to the ICDE and the observations during the ICDE’s visits to UT’s central office and its branches in Bandung, Jambi and Malang, the review team presented the results in four topics: strategic management, curriculum design, student and alumni support and staff support.

For strategic management, attention was given to the meaning of the name Universitas Terbuka which translates to "Open University" as it impacted the implemented management strategies. The team also emphasized the need for reviews of vision and mission at all levels, including in UT's regional centers, to contribute to the communities in their respective regions. They stressed the involvement of students in strategic decision-making, the potential of the UT Service Centers (SALUT) as learning centers that offered additional services to students in remote areas and served as community centers, the utilization of Open Education Resources (OER) to achieve education for all and the use of various social media platforms to improve UT's visibility.

Reviewing UT's journey over five review activities, the review team encouraged UT to continue its efforts in benchmarking, internal monitoring and capacity building to find efficiency in the quality process.

Regarding research, the review team encouraged UT's faculty to focus on research in the field of open and flexible distance learning (OFDL) due to UT's wealth of data and experience in this area. This contribution would not only benefit open and distance education institutions but also other educational institutions across the globe.

Concerning curriculum design, UT has conducted periodic curriculum reviews. The team encouraged UT to continue reviewing the curriculum to keep up with rapid developments in societal needs and advancements in knowledge. For course design, the review team observed that UT's online learning was commendable but instructional materials needed to be more practical and less theoretical.

Regarding student and alumni support, areas of focus included career guidance, UT's presence on social media, increased collaboration and interaction among students, scholarship opportunities and recognition of student and alumni activities. The team encouraged UT to provide more personalized and flexible learning services to students.

As for staff support, the review team acknowledged UT's efforts in involving and equipping all of its staff in the process of achieving quality instruction. They also advised UT to continue capacity building through staff training and development as a form of investment in human resources.

In conclusion, professor Ebba expressed gratitude on behalf of the review team and the ICDE. The team was pleased to have had discussions together.

Likewise, UT’s headmaster, professor Ojat Darojat, thanked the ICDE reviewers for their recommendations on various reviewed areas and promised that UT would integrate the suggestions into its long-term development plan.

Professor Ojat concluded the event by emphasizing that quality was an essential part of UT. Quality must be in the heart, mind and actions of all involved.

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