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Sending students into a life without the ability to communicate is analogous to sending a soldier in...
English words took up 41.3 percent of the lyrics of K-pop girl groups’ releases that landed on...
In Australia, many universities have closed their Indonesian programs due to the sharp decline in st...
The party chair and former president noted the achievements of several female leaders in a meanderin...
Many South Jakartans occasionally alternate their language between Indonesian and English. We try to...
Climate change may be helping England's vineyards for now, but the fast pace of transition risks...
The irony is the rest of the globe often has an easier time understanding William Shakespeare than E...
As a teenager stuck in Hong Kong's pressure-cooker school system, Eric Yip found his escape in w...
Do French-speakers face discrimination in Canada, despite its status as an official language along w...
It is possible that the Malaysian leader wanted to leave a quick legacy for his nation bec...