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Jakarta Post

Jokowi asks comptroller not to raise too many red flags on govt projects

Too many red flags would slow down or halt national development, the President said, arguing that in the race for development, speed was imperative.

Aditya Hadi (The Jakarta Post)
Fri, May 24, 2024

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Jokowi asks comptroller not to raise too many red flags on govt projects President Joko “Jokowi“ Widodo speaks at the State Palace in Jakarta in this file photo. (The Jakarta Post/Seto Wardhana)


resident Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has asked the Development Finance Comptroller (BPKP) not to raise too many red flags on government projects, despite the agency’s role of overseeing and identifying cases of misconduct.

The outgoing President provided an analogy that the agency’s main role was to build “a railway” that could accelerate “the train” of national development so it could arrive at its destination on time.

“If [the BPKP raises too many red flags,] it would slow down, or even stop the [national development] train. While on the contrary, we want the train to arrive at the destination quickly,” he said on Wednesday.

President Jokowi was speaking at the opening of the annual National Internal Supervisory Coordination Meeting 2024 taking place at the State Palace.

Jokowi suggested that the agency should focus on preventing mistakes by providing guidance to government entities on how to execute projects correctly.

He also emphasized that the BPKP should aim for the significant benefits of the country’s development to the community, rather than focusing on the number of errors it could identify.


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“The performance target of the BPKP is not to find mistakes and set traps by not saying anything [to prevent them]. That is wrong. They should focus on correcting mistakes in the beginning,” Jokowi stated.

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