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Jakarta Post

Wings Food launches new UHT milk brand Milku

Supplement Desk (The Jakarta Post)
Thu, September 10, 2020

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Wings Food launches new UHT milk brand Milku


ings Group Indonesia, one of the country’s leading FMCG companies, recently launched a new UHT milk brand, Milku, under the Wings Food line.

The milk brand, which comes in 200 ml PET bottles with chocolate and strawberry flavors, adds up to ready to drink (RTD) beverages portfolio that Wings Food previously have, namely RTD tea, juice, flavored water, coffee, jelly drink and energy drink.

Preeti Chopra Bhatnagar, marketing manager of Milku, said that the launch of this nutritious beverage aims at offering an easy and delicious way for parents to provide their children with additional nutrition.

“[This is] in line with our company’s vision, ‘the best things in life should be accessible for all’,” said Preeti.

Milku, which is claimed to be made of quality Belgian cows’ milk, is priced Rp 3000 (2 US Cents).

Furthermore, Preeti explained that RTD milk is one of the most popular products in the beverages category, and that in the last three years, the RTD milk segment had experienced around 10 percent growth.

“[…] Even during the pandemic, the number keeps flourishing up to 5 percent. In regard to this data, we realize that the people’s need of nutritious goods is growing,” said Preeti.

Wings Food pointed out that although there is a big potential in Indonesia’s market of RTD milk, the country’s per capita consumption of milk is still among the lowest in Asia Pacific, at 16.23 kg of milk per capita per year in 2019.

Marya W. Haryono, a doctor who specializes in clinical nutrition, said during the launch that to grow optimally, children within the age of 6 to 12 need balanced nutrition that include calcium for bone health.

“According to recommended daily allowance (AKG) 2019, a minimum of 1000-1200 mg of calcium is needed daily by children aged 6-12. [And] one of the most accessible and easy to consume source of calcium is milk,” said Marya.

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