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Jakarta Post

UIII Board of Trustees announces 2024-2029 rector election timetable

Josa Lukman (The Jakarta Post)
Tue, May 14, 2024

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UIII Board of Trustees announces 2024-2029 rector election timetable


he Board of Trustees (MWA) of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) has released a timetable for the election of the Rector for the 2024-2029 period. The appointed candidate is expected to be finalized by May 28, 2024.

The selection process will take place from May 10 to May 22, 2024, and is open to all lecturers and academic practitioners who meet the MWA's requirements. Candidates for the Rector position are expected to demonstrate a clear vision and commitment to the progress of UIII.

For details about the schedule, application processes, and requirements, please visit the official UIII website at For further information regarding the selection process, please contact Mr. Hatta at +62818908032.

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