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Jakarta Post

BRI e-banking shows promising growth

Anton Hermansyah (The Jakarta Post)
Thu, May 3, 2018

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BRI e-banking shows promising growth This file photo shows Tourism Minister Arief Yahya (fifth left) and Bank BRI institutional business director Kuswiyoto (sixth left) posing with BRI staff members after signing an agreement to boost inbound tourism through the use of the lender's digital banking products. (Courtesy of BRI/File)


tate-owned lender PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia saw promising growth in its e-banking business as transaction fees from e-banking grew 22.2 percent year-on-year in the first quarter.

It helped increase the contribution of e-banking related fees to 27 percent of the lender’s total transaction fees and commission income in the first quarter.

It was higher than the contribution of e-banking related fees to total fees and commission income, which was recorded at 23 percent in the first quarter of 2017.

BRI president director Suprajarto said the company would pay serious attention to income from fees because the net interest margin (NIM) was getting smaller over time.

"We have been told [by the government] to reduce the NIM so we will strive for more fee-based income. We want to develop e-banking," he told a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday.

Total fees and commissions increased 4.28 percent yoy to Rp 2.65 trillion, while interest income grew 7.38 percent yoy to Rp 25.02 trillion.

Out of the Rp 2.65 trillion fee and commission income, e-banking fees were the second biggest contributor after deposit administration fees with a contribution of 38.5 percent. But the latter only grew 2.6 percent yoy last year. (bbn)

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