Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama and Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat may have lost the 2017 gubernatorial election, but aspiring politician and co-founder of the Perempuan Politik institute Tsamara Amany sees the defeat as a source of inspiration for millennials to get involved in politics.
During a political discussion with ex-presidential spokesperson Wimar Witoelar on Wednesday, the 20-year-old said she was inspired by Ahok’s work, which also made her realize that politics is the best avenue to create change in the country.
“Ahok does build physical [infrastructures], but people often forget that he has also inspired millions from the younger generation to fight and do something for our country,” Tsamara said.
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Meanwhile, Wimar expressed his surprise of the level of optimism he has seen come out of the heated Jakarta gubernatorial campaign, especially from Tsamara, an Indonesian of Arabic descent.
After the discussion, Wimar told The Jakarta Post that it was obvious Ahok's recent had given the young generation some new spirit.
“It is a good sign of pluralism in Indonesia,” he said, adding that it was important to hear fresh and independent political views from millennials.
“If they claim to be millennials, so be it. Political views cannot be restricted,” he said. (asw)