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Jakarta Post

Anti-terror police caught 'spying' on AGO investigator

An unidentified source told media about the spying incident which, if true, would indicate police overreach, experts say.

Dio Suhenda (The Jakarta Post)
Mon, May 27, 2024

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Anti-terror police caught 'spying' on AGO investigator A soldier from the Indonesian Military (TNI) takes part in a counterterrorism drill on Oct. 20, 2022 in Denpasar, Bali, ahead of a joint TNI-National Police security detail to cover the Group of 20 Summit in November. (Antara/Fikri Yusuf)

Members of the National Police’s counterterrorism unit Densus 88 reportedly spied on a prosecutor from the Attorney General's Office (AGO), raising concerns of police overreach and stoking friction between the country’s two law enforcement institutions.


Febrie Adriansyah, an investigator at the office of the special crimes deputy attorney general (Jampidsus), was entering a restaurant in South Jakarta on May 19 when two people, thought to be Densus 88 members, followed him inside.


An unnamed source with knowledge of the incident told reporters that one of Febrie’s aides immediately noticed the two men, who were wearing face masks and dressed in ordinary clothes. One of the two men reportedly took out a recording device and attempted to record Febrie’s conversation over dinner.

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Seeming to realize that their cover had been blown, the two men rushed out of the restaurant, prompting Febrie’s aide to give chase. The aide caught one of the men and took him to a location away from the restaurant for further interrogation, according to the source.

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