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Jakarta Post

How the Army contributes to addressing water scarcity

Through the innovative use of hydram pump technology and extensive collaboration, the Army continues to combat water scarcity in Indonesia.

Kristomei Sianturi (The Jakarta Post)
Sun, May 26, 2024

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How the Army contributes to addressing water scarcity Water for all: A local resident and a soldier try tap water on Dec. 19, 2022 from a clean water facility built by the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad) Raider Infantry Battalion in Mbua district, Nduga regency in Papua Highland. (Courtesy of/Army Information Service)

“Without water, there is no food, no peace, no life. Therefore, water must be managed well, because every drop is precious,” said President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the opening of the World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali on May 20.

Life without water is unimaginable. As a basic need, water ensures the survival of humans and other living organisms on Earth. It is essential for various daily activities, including agriculture, livestock, industry and household needs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), humans need approximately 50 liters of water per day for drinking, cooking and basic hygiene. Thus, securing an adequate water supply is imperative.

The 2023 United Nations water report highlights the finding that around 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean water. In Indonesia, this issue is particularly acute in regions such as East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Bali, Papua, Maluku and parts of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Geographical constraints, inadequate infrastructure and limited resources exacerbate the difficulty in accessing clean water in these areas.

Indonesia can pride itself in hosting the 10th WWF on May 18-25. The forum was a key international event to formulate global solutions to the clean water crisis.

It encompassed three main components: thematic, regional and political programs. Thematic programs focused on specific water-related issues such as water resources management, sanitation, climate change and technological innovation. Regional programs addressed water issues in specific areas, allowing for targeted and effective solutions. Political programs aimed to influence policies and regulations related to water management at both national and international levels.

During the forum, President Jokowi emphasized the need for effective water management amid projected droughts that will impact 500 million smallholder farmers by 2050. He called for cooperation to promote efficient and integrated water resources management.


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Aligned with the spirit of the 10th WWF, which carried the theme "Water for shared prosperity", the Army (TNI-AD) continues to promote a program known as “TNI-AD Manunggal Air”. This initiative, focusing on efforts to overcome the difficulty of clean water access throughout Indonesia, has become increasingly relevant. Under the motto "The Army together with the people, united with nature for the unitary state Indonesia", the program includes the installation of hydraulic ram pumps (hydrams), boreholes and gravity-fed water distribution systems.

Army chief of staff Gen. Maruli Simanjuntak has highlighted the Army's focus on providing clean water to communities, based on his experiences during stints in regions with limited water access.

Since its inception in 2022, the “TNI AD Manunggal Air” program has provided more than 2,240 water source points across Indonesia, consisting of 665 hydram pump points, 1,463 points from borehole sources and 112 points from gravity sources.

The program has not only helped people get access to clean water, but also supported local economic development through increasing the productivity of the agricultural and livestock sectors. Innovative technology has assisted the Army in improving the welfare of communities in areas of greatest need. In 2024, the Army expects to add up to 1,000 water access points.

When technology and compassion meet, miracles are possible. This can be seen in Tipar village, Rawalo district, Banyumas regency, Central Java. The construction of 32 clean water points in the village not only provides clean water, but also generates hope for around 6,000 residents. Previously, they had to buy water for Rp 5,000 (33 US cent) per bottle as their well water dried up or became polluted in the dry season of 2023. This facility is of great help and benefit to the residents and is part of a broader rural welfare improvement program, which also includes construction of communal toilets and rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses.

Hydram pump technology has proven to be very effective in overcoming the problem of access to clean water in remote areas. This technology is able to raise water to a height of more than 100 meters without additional power sources. In addition, hydram pumps can be used for various purposes, including household needs, agriculture, livestock and inland fisheries.

The hydram pump technology is an effective solution to overcoming the scarcity of clean water. In Japan, this technology is widely used and proven to support agricultural activities and domestic needs. A similar success is seen in Indonesia, where hydram pumps installed by the Army have provided clean water to hard-to-reach areas.

Despite its successes, the TNI-AD Manunggal Air program faces challenges, including limited financial and human resources. To address these hindrances, the Army collaborates with various stakeholders. As of May 2024, partnerships have been established with 50 local governments, 36 state-owned and private companies and several community organizations, aiming to reach a cumulative total of 3,000 water points by the end of 2024.

Training for TNI AD Manunggal Air cadres has been routinely organized since 2022. The Army has also initiated a training program for communities and village supervisory non-commissioned officers (Babinsa) in taking care of hydram pumps. This training program aims to improve the knowledge and skills of local communities, so that they can be independent in maintaining and operating hydram pumps.

The TNI-AD Manunggal Air program not only addresses immediate community needs but also aligns with global aspirations for inclusive water availability. Through this program, the Army not only helps provide the basic needs of clean water, but also contributes to improving community welfare and supporting sustainable development.

These concrete steps by the Army exemplify the eight obligations of the Army, particularly in assisting communities facing difficulties. This is also in accordance with the Army leadership policy, which emphasizes the importance of being present and providing solutions in times of need.

Through the innovative use of hydram pump technology and extensive collaboration, the Army continues to combat water scarcity in Indonesia. This program not only helps communities gain access to clean water, but also supports agricultural development, local economies and community welfare.

By expanding this initiative and introducing new innovations, the Army reaffirms its commitment to being present and becoming a solution in the midst of people's difficulties, while strengthening Indonesia's commitment to addressing global water challenges.

Let us unite and collaborate to conserve water resources, ensuring a better and sustainable future for all.


The writer, a brigadier general, is head of the Army Information Service.

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