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Jakarta Post

Religion minister urges affordable Islamic university fees

Following widespread backlash over a January education ministry regulation that allowed universities to increase tuition for certain students, the Religious Affairs Minister has called on Islamic universities to work with his ministry to ensure that their tuition remained affordable.

Nina A. Loasana (The Jakarta Post)
Mon, May 27, 2024

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Religion minister urges affordable Islamic university fees Stock illustration of rising university costs (Shutterstock/File)


eligious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has called on Islamic universities to keep tuition affordable for students after a recent change in the single tuition (UKT) system triggered widespread protests across the country.

The UKT system was launched in 2013 to streamline tuition at state universities, with the amount adjusted according to a student’s financial situation.

Speaking at an event on Sunday at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta in South Tangerang, Banten, Yaqut urged Islamic universities to work closely with the ministry in determining a reasonable amount of tuition.

"In principle, tuition should not put a [excessive] financial burden on students," the minister said. He also advised Islamic universities not to rely solely on student tuition to fund their institutional operations.

"[Revenue from] university hospitals could be the main funding source for campuses. Universities could also use profits from the hotels and student dormitories they manage as an alternative funding source," Yaqut added.

At the same event, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah rector Asep Saepudin Jahar said the university was currently seeking to expand its various business ventures.

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"We are developing our hospital and hotel so that we can be more financially independent and not rely heavily on student tuition," Asep said.

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