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Jakarta Post

Education and Culture Ministry maintains unqualified opinion for 10th year in a row

Inforial (The Jakarta Post)
Fri, June 30, 2023

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Education and Culture Ministry maintains unqualified opinion for 10th  year in a row


or its financial report for 2022, the Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry (Kemendikbudristek) has once again received an Unqualified Opinion (Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian) during the Audit Board of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK RI) Examination Results Submission event held at the Kemendikbudristek Office on June 26 from the BPK RI, making this its 10th consecutive year receiving this achievement.

At the event, Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim, said during his speech.

"Alhamdulillah [Praise be to God], thanks to the improvement inputs from BPK RI, the financial report of [the ministry] for the year 2022 has obtained another Unqualified Opinion [WTP] for the 10th consecutive time. This WTP provides motivation for all levels of the ministry to continuously improve our quality of financial management and state assets as a form of Kemendikbudristek's accountability to the Indonesian public."

Minister Nadiem explained that Kemendikbudristek had prepared the financial report for 2022 as a form of accountability to the public regarding the implementation of the state budget (APBN) for the year 2022, which is audited yearly by BPK RI.

Nadiem stated that in 2022, the ministry had realized a budget of Rp 81.34 trillion (US$5.4 billion) or 95.78 percent of the budget ceiling of Rp 84.92 trillion. The majority of the budget was utilized to support its priority programs in improving the access and quality of Indonesian education through various policies such as the Merdeka Belajar (Independent Learning) and Kampus Merdeka (Independent Campus) episodes. These programs and policies include the Indonesia Pintar (Smart Indonesia) Program, KIP Kuliah (Higher Education Scholarships), Bidikmisi Assistance for higher education, Functional Teacher Allowances, Operational Assistance for State Universities (BOPTN), Matching Fund, the Competitive Fund, government assistance for educational units and institutions, scholarships, teacher capacity building, educational support equipment and educational building infrastructure.

Minister Nadiem explained that "Kemendikbudristek is committed to continuously improving accountability and control over state financial management in order to support our strategic programs that can enhance equitable access and quality of education, culture, research and technology in Indonesia."

Furthermore, Nadiem revealed the steps that Kemendikbudristek had taken and is currently taking based on the BPK RI examination results, both during and after the examination process. Firstly, Kemendikbudristek has prepared an Action Plan to follow up on the examination findings and has submitted it to the BPK RI. Secondly, regarding its compliance, particularly the return of funds to the state treasury, a percentage of the funds have already been deposited, and the remainder is being processed in accordance with the recommendations of the BPK RI.

On this occasion, Pius Lustrilanang, a member of the VI Board of the BPK RI, congratulated the minister on Kemendikbudristek's achievement, commenting.

"Congratulations to Minister Nadiem and his team for the achievement of obtaining an unqualified opinion for 10 consecutive years since 2013."

Responding to that, Minister Nadiem expressed appreciation and gratitude to the BPK RI.

"Thank you to the entire BPK RI team for providing improvement inputs in enhancing the quality of financial management” He closed.

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